Traditionally speaking epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression that are not mediated through the DNA sequence but through the proteins found in the cell nucleus as well as those found in the cellular membrane (Lipton 2005)1.Molecular mechanisms that mediate epigenetic regulation include DNA methylation and chromatin/histone modifications that results in the non-expression of genes (Lipton 2013, Cheung et al 2005, Elgin 1996) 2-4.

Therefore, genes do not control our biology as it was originally believed. Moreover, we are not victims of our hereditary make up. With the identification of key histone-modifying enzymes, the biological functions of many histone posttranslational modifications are now beginning to be elucidated based on environmental signals and not on genetic determination (van Steensel 2011)5. This means that our nutrition, thoughts, meditation, e smog (radiation emanating from electromagnetic frequencies), coming from electrical appliances that make our life very easy and convenient, play a major role in gene control through epigenetics.The change in gene expression is mediated by our perception of the world around us, and it happens within hours.  Therefore, histone methylation is of particular interest as it plays critical roles in many epigenetic phenomena4.When a protein called chromatin, found in the nucleus of our cells condenses, it gives rise to one set of genes  that make up the body, another set of genes is found in the  hetercochromatin otherwise known as junk DNA (Roudier et al, 2011)6. This accounts for 98% of so called non coding DNA .This is so important, because it allows for the patterns found in our Biology and our behaviour.

The heterochromatin is very resisitant to mutations, unlike the genes that are expressed through the reading of the genetic information by the ribosomes. Our life experiences are passed on from generation to generation through the epigenenome.The proteins are the ones that control the reading of genes and not the genes themselves. This is called epigentics. In Quantum Physics we now talk about harmonic resonance which deals with vibration between two or more waves which share the same frequency and amplitude and that are  found in nature. One has an influence on the other,  that means, the vibration travels across and from one to the other. We can send out vibration, throught the process of our own magnetic brain activity. Somewhow we become entangled with one another through this process. All of the sudden our brain frequency, thoughts and emotions are broadcasted out into what physcisits called the quantum energy field. Our thoughts will recognize frequencies with the same vibration. Our thoughts will come back   to uswith the same vibration and they will be intensified and amplified by this reaction.

This allows for reactivation of our own resonance,and it will intensify until it becomes our reality. And thus we get what we give, and we get more than what we give. Sending positive thoughts will bring back positive actions and a positive environment. This is important since as negative thoughts for example,  will bring back negative circumsntances. Our thoughts influence everything around us. This is now known as behavioural epigenetics, originally baptised by Bruce Lipton as the Biology of Belief.Memories are passed between generations via epigenetics. What our great grand parents ate and thought can be expressed in our epigenome when the environmental signals allow for their manifestation.

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